Monday, December 22, 2008

Dear Daddy 12-22-08 Part II

It's almost here babe! I am leaving tomorrow!!!!! I can hardly stand waiting anymore.!.. Today Katie came over and we hung out and passed the day away.. it was fun :) I think I have pretty much everything packed and ready to go. You know me.. I have to make a list and check EVERYTHING off! I hope that the roads are not too horrible.. I think that we will be OK. Were leaving AS SOON as my mom gets home from work.. I AM SO GEEKED! I just want to be in the same state as you! I miss you like crazy and can't believe that tomorrow I will be able to say that I will get to see you tomorrow!! Did you get that? Did it make sense? I LOVE YOU.... I hope I can sleep tonight :) I am VERY tired so it shouldn't be a problem. Dom cut both of his bottom 2 yr molars on Saturday (I think I told you on the phone) and today Brecken cut one of his top teeth.. (funny it's not one of the center one's.. hehe he's going to look goofy!) So basically, they are both crying on the monitors at all different times of the night.. So I am exhausted ;@.. Well, i am going to go try to sleep.. (Dom is still talking in the monitor.. he went to bed 25 minutes ago!) so we'll see if I can.
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and can't wait to just give you a hug! Ugh.. only one more day baby.. ps. your my life!
Love u

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