Friday, December 12, 2008

Battle Stations

This week, Andy and his division will be going through battle stations. This is his divsions final test before PIR. Here is a link just posted from CNN that describes the battle stations a little better (acutally filmed at Great Lakes!!). Andy's division must pass battle stations as a group in order to graduate. This is a REALLY big deal. When I spoke to Andy last Sunday he said that he believed his BS were going to be on 12-18! LOTS OF PRAYERS !!


David Hulings said...

Wow. That is a great video. Thanks for sending that. I am going to get the whole church to pray for him during BS. If his team fails does "he" have to take it again?

kArrIe hULinGs said...

I think that they have to pass as a division. It is a team thing, so I am guessing yes. If they don't pass, I am unsure if they get to try again before PIR, meaning I don't think they would graduate on 12-24 :( But, the other website I was looking at before (the one I posted) said that most of the recruits have fun during BS.. so we'll see!

Kristie said...

Thanks so much for posting that! That is really cool to watch!
One question, will it be the 18th at 10 pm till the 19th at 8 am?? Or the 17th at 10pm till the 18th at 8 am?

kArrIe hULinGs said...

18th until the 19th :)

Grandma KIM said...

Really educating Karrie... it gives us a little bit of an idea of what he'll have to do. I'll keep Andy (and his 'boys') in my prayers.