Saturday, November 1, 2008

I was informed last Tuesday that I could call the recruiters on Friday to get an address for Andy. Unfortunately, when I called yesterday they did not have it yet. But, I did want to make sure that I let everyone know that Andy does not want a lot of letters while in bootcamp. I was hoping that anyone who would like to write Andy could get their letters to me so that I could send them all at once. I think that this would be the best way to do it. I will be sending Andy a letter or 2 a week once I receive the address. So anyone who is interested in writing him can get ahold of me and I will be happy to put their letter with the boys and I's. Andy also made is very clear that he DID NOT want ANY birthday cards while in bootcamp. He doesn't want to give anyone any reason to single him out. So please no birthday cards :) We'll hold onto those until we get to see him in January !! I will keep trying to get ahold of his address from the recruiters so that we can all stay in touch! I will post again soon, take care everyone and please continue to pray for Andy.


Kristie said...

Good Idea, Karrie -
Then when Im in Chicago on his birthday next weekend - I probably shouldn't try to break into the compound to give him a birthday hug?
Just asking....

Kristie said...

PS: Just to be safe - don't give any of us the address. :)

kArrIe hULinGs said...

Yeah, I think that I am going to keep it to myself.. I'm hoping no one gets mad, but it's what Andy wanted and I'm going to make sure he's not getting too much fan mail ! :P

Kristie said...

Im gonna write him letters on my blog instead. That way he can read them all some day when he has a computer.

David Hulings said...

NO LETTERS? Why that is the best way for him to have "MORE" fun with his NAVY drill sergeant :)) I already had 10 written to let him know that his dad loves him sooo much! They are all signed, "Love Dad - Go ARMY beat navy!!

I will get a letter too you and you can send it. Good idea not to give the address. I am very tempted to send a post card from the ARMY recruiter that says, "Wish You were Here!" :))