Tuesday, January 6, 2009

We Were Already Able to See Andy!

Andy called me at around 3:00pm last night and told me that he had liberty until 2100. Since he had his car at the base, he was able to leave. However, since he is still in "Phase 1" he is only able to leave with 2 other Sailors. So, the boys and I met him and 3 other Sailors at the Gurnee Mall. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe...(Which Dom LOVED...a little uneasy about the thunder-storms, but he absolutely loved all of the animals and paintings!!) Anyway, it was so great to be able to see Andy already. When you have just been away from someone for 8 weeks.. and then they leave AGAIN.. you always think the worst.. well, I do anyway. So when he called and said I could see him, it was GREAT! It was about a 40 minute drive for the boys and I, but it was SO worth it :) Andy has his induct class today that will inform him about living ashore etc.. So hopefully we will hear some good news!! I am so glad that we moved here.. otherwise I would have missed this opportunity to see him!! Thanks again to everyone who was more than willing to help us move. We really appreciate it!


Kristie said...

Very exciting - I am sooo glad you are only 40 minutes from him! :)

PS: LOVE the new BLOG look!!

David Hulings said...

Isn't that great you are so close!! And the place you chose to meet him isn't half bad either. You can get some great shopping done there. Glad you are there ... very glad. And, I am glad you have more postings. Although, I would rather have you both here.

~*Amber*~ said...

awesome :) Glad to hear that everyone is doing well...just have one question though...what the heck did YOU eat at Rainforest??