Sunday, January 4, 2009

Moving On

I know that we haven't even had a chance to tell everyone yet, but our family has moved!! We are now residents of Lake Geneva, WI. I think that kristie told met he population is around 7,000? Anyway here are some pics of the new pad!! It's nice and cozy for our family! Hopefully Andy will be back here soon to live with us!! Enjoy the pics!!


Kristie said...

Holy crap - You got ALOT done since I left you there on Friday night - Are you kidding me - you even have the pictures hung up on the walls???? Good job, girl -

PS: LOVE the monkey rug and towels. ;)

Anonymous said...

Glad you will all be together now.....but we sure will miss you all!!!!!!!!! The new place looks really nice!!!

Anonymous said...

p.s.....Whats so cute is that these pics are so small and you don't notice until you click on them and blow them up, ALL the DETAIL you're missing......such as Dom and Brecken are sitting there watching Mickey with Rockstar laying there too:)..... Thats a pic of you and Andy at your wedding on the kitchen table:).........and I notice a pic on your bedroom wall that looks like Andy with his whole Navy "crew"??? If thats what that IS a pic of , we'd like to see THAT pic!

David Hulings said...

I especially like the TV stand in the bedroom. :)) You have done so much since we left. It looks like a home. You even have pictures on the fridge. Great job. We will miss you but are so thankful you are a family (well ... you will be in a few days once he gets home). Great Job!! Do you have good neighbors?

Grandma KIM said...

It looks so 'cozy' already!!! I'm sure the boys LOVE their new rooms! Your house got put together quicker than mine :-0

Love you ALL!